Reasons why your toddler shouldn’t watch TV or play with modern gadgets

Children these days are exposed to TV and other media screens.  People find it delightful that young children are able to sing and dance to songs from a kiddie channel and operate hand-held devices efficiently even if they are not yet able to read. However, experts say that exposure to television and modern gadgets are detrimental to a child’s development.  Cris Rowan, a pediatric occupational therapist, stated that children ages 0-2 should have NO exposure to technology, kids 3-5 years can have at most one hour of TV a day, while those who are 6-18 years of age should be restricted to two hours of TV and gadget exposure per day.  But what do we notice with kids these days? They spend more time watching TV and playing with hand-held devices than interacting with other kids through play.  Rowan (2014) says that too much exposure of young children to technology is life threatening.

Here are 4 reasons why your toddler shouldn’t watch TV or play with modern gadgets:

1. Exposure to TV and modern gadgets causes developmental delays.

Infants and toddlers are balls of energy and they need to make use of that energy to reach developmental milestones.  What happens when they are watching TV and playing with gadgets is that they are just sitting and if you look at them, they are practically not doing anything.  There is no interaction with a playmate or an adult, thus development for language and communication is hampered.  Also, movement is restricted when watching TV and playing with hand-held devices which means that your child’s motor skills are not enhanced.  Studies show that movement enhances attention and learning ability, thus the lack of movement among young children can affect his development and could cause delays.

2. Exposure to TV and modern gadgets hampers your child’s brain development.

Catharine Paddock (2011) stated that the best way for your baby and toddler to develop healthy brains is to unplug the TV and other forms of media screens.  Paddock further stated that those TV shows that claim to be educational do not really prove to be educational because among young children, there is no better substitute to learning than having an unstructured play with other children.  Also, during the first three years of a child’s life, the brain is developing connections. If the right connections are not nurtured, the potential to develop those connections is lost (Jackman, 2005).  Such connections will only be nurtured if young children interact with people because it gives them the opportunity to think creatively, communicate and interact well, solve problems and develop motor skills.

3. Exposure to TV and modern gadgets makes your child impatient.

Do you find it amusing when a toddler is able to answer a puzzle from an app in a hand-held device? It could be amusing to see a child answer an electronic puzzle with a breeze.  But experts say that modern technology are teaching children to be impatient.  Instead of solving actual puzzles that need more focus and concentration, they turn to gadgets wherein puzzles can be solved within a flash by pressing a button.  Deirdre Wilson of stated that the more children become dependent to computer, television, and electronic toys, the harder it is for them to focus on solving real-life problems that require patience.  Children who are exposed to TV and modern gadgets become accustomed to just pressing a button or clicking an icon and the gadget does everything for them while in real life, you have to work on something you want.

4. Exposure to TV and modern gadgets exposes your child to radiation.

Child Alert says that children who use modern gadgets are exposed to radiation and this is dangerous for them because at their age, their bodies are more sensitive to radiation effects compared to adults.  This is because their body is still rapidly developing.  Also, Devra Davis that radiation exposure is more harmful to young children because their skulls are thinner than those of adults thus, the bone marrow of a child’s head absorbs 10 times more radiation than an adult.  If a child’s brain rapidly develops from age 0 to 3, exposure to radiation could have a big impact on your child’s brain development.

What should you do as a parent? It is best to remember that your child would learn more and develop fully when he interacts positively with the people and events around him.  Cris Rowan (2014) is calling all parents and teachers to ban the use of handheld devices for children under age 12.  So unplug the TV and keep all those modern gadgets away from your child’s reach.

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Davis, Devra (2013). Cellphones, Radiation and Your Child’s Health. Healthy Child, Healthy World. Retrieved on November 13, 2014.  Retrieved from

Jackman, H. (2005). Early education curriculum, a child’s connection to the world. Thomson Delamar Learning

Paddock, Catharine (2011). Babies and Toddlers Should Not Watch TV, Media Screens, Say US Doctors. Medical News Today.  Retrieved on November 13, 2014. Retrieved from

Rowan, Cris (2014). 10 Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12.  Retrieved on November 13, 2014.  Retrieved from

Wilson, Deirdre (2014). Nurturing Patience.  Retrieved on November 13, 2014.  Retrieved from

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